Wednesday, June 28, 2006


What is the purpose of a label? It is to inform, elucidate and illuminate the work for the benefit of enlightening the viewer. A label should be an adjunct to the work and not a replacement. The role of the label is to support the work and not to serve as an ‘in-your-face’ visual cacophony to supplant it, and that only serves to startle and confuse the viewer.
This occasion of labelling the work has become an opportunity to instigate a marketing ploy, of commercializing the work. The interjection of sign-posting is seriously misjudged in my opinion. To institute label designs as a blanket enterprise to all the installations in this exhibition is an affront, an insult to the artist and calls into question the integrity of the work on display. They are often not related to the work in mood, technique and context.
I have faith that my work can stand on it’s own two feet and does not need recourse to an unsympathetic label to ‘attract the punters’.
I am very glad that I shall be able to provide my own labelling for my work that will be more in keeping with the thrust of my intentions.


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