Saturday, June 03, 2006


1. Images of birds… selected out and isolated. These are printed on transparent film which is then mounted on clear Perspex sheets. These are presented raised from a plain background… thus resulting in a shadow of the image projected onto the background.
2. Massimo Vitale: Italian photographer produces very large Colour prints of seaside scenes. Previous work has been of a well populated beach taken high up from a platform erected in the sea.
These pictures are taken from the land. The colour of the people is saturated, but the sea, sky, and rocks are ‘blown out’, washed out to a white tinged with a pale hint of colour! The sea and sky seem to be horribly overexposed! This must be done in the printing? or digital manipulation?
3. Juan Fontanive: ‘Paper Films’… a series of images on a bicycle wheel which is continuously turning… presenting the images like a ‘flip book’ . Another exhibit is of three boxes [see below] suspended; each rotating a series of images that cycle through…flipping.
These exhibits are ‘motorized presentations’ and can be seen at the Riflemaker Gallery.
4. Abelardo Morell – Chrysler Building: Very Large Black and White image projected upside-down on the wall of a hotel room through a small hole in the curtain… a long exposure taken overnight with a plate camera mounted on a tripod.
5. John Blakemore… Black and White images of Tulips.. Selenium toned.
6. Boyd and Evans: Photo Ink Jet Print [very large] of a bleak landscape. This was [volcanic?] a reservoir [in the U.S.] There were two colours of sandstone, but the background was black and white. The image must have been manipulated in Photoshop.
From ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’ a curated exhibition… ‘These works are a testament to the uncanny pull of rocks, the stillness, the divinity, the allure. These rocks and stones represent our landscaper, the exterior matter against which we define ourselves and each art work open up a dialogue between man and his orld, artist and landscape, object and representation of object.
7. Susan Derges: Ilfachrome Print… [reflections at night in pools of water].
a. ‘Shoreline’ graphite oil and water between two glass slides taken microsopically.
Lightjet prints: Lazar print on photographic paper.
8. Veronica Bailey: Prints of the edges of books [pages] blown up very big!
9. Tim Simmons: Photos taken at night of forest scenes with spotlight illumination.
10. Jean Miele: Black and White Landscapes taken using coloured filters to lighten the appearance of GREENs.!
11. Alexander Yakut: [Russian photographer] Photos of Samarakand taken at NIGHT… These are Black and White Photos with colour re-touching.


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